We will be selling equipment and supplies. We aren’t retailers, but we have a fair amount of excess equipment (both new and used) around the farm that we would be willing to sell. Our intention is to help those back yard producers get supplies local and readily. We have inspired many to try tapping trees in their yard, and there are many more who have caught the “back yard maple bug”. We have dispensed much advice over the years and now we are willing to help out with some supplies as well. When we started doing maple, we had a hard time finding what we needed without long trips to NH or VT. And forget it if you needed something on the weekend. So we are here to help. If you need something that is not listed, give us a call at (978) 258-2889 or email us at info@turtlelanemaplefarm.com and there is a good chance we either have it or can tell you the best place to get it.
We will be adding items that we have around the farm, when we have time.
A short list of items that will be added include:
health spouts (new and used)
tees (new and used)
various tubing connections (new and used)
5/16″ tubing (new and used)
1/2″ Mainline (new and used)
Rubermaid Totes
5 Gallon white buckets
Various plumbing supplies