Holy Cow – It’s Been A Long Time!!

Ok – our website is waaayyy out of date – time for an update!  We’ve been so busy with life in general, and last year (2012) we weren’t able to produce because of the mild weather, so we have been ignoring our website.

Let me say that we have been busy, busy, busy!!  Over Thanksgiving weekend we split and stacked 5 cord of wood in preparation for our upcoming 2013 season.  We have a ton of faith in Mother Nature this year that she will not rob us of a maple season again – bring on some COLD WEATHER!!!  This weekend we will be splitting and stacking wood again, aiming to complete the second 5 cord that we will need for our production this spring.  If you would like to help with this, please send an email to info@TurtleLaneMapleFarm.com. We welcome the assistance, but only if you are over 15 years old and are ready to do some lumberjacking!

Last weekend we spent the weekend in the sugar house bottling from our prior year inventory, making maple cream and maple candy, and attending a craft fair.  We have syrup, candy, cream and sugar all available for sale.  If you are interested, please send us an email at info@TurtleLaneMapleFarm.com and we will coordinate a pickup.  We typically go with the “Farmer’s Porch” delivery method, where we leave a bag on the porch and you leave payment in our mailbox.  Works well, and provides ultimate flexibility around you picking up when it is convenient for you.  Unfortunately, we DO NOT ship…..maybe some day in the future, but not at this moment.

The weekend before Thanksgiving we organized a trip to the Rocakways in New York to assist with the relief efforts from the hurricane Sandy.  We posted on our TLMF facebook page and to all our friends, and received enough donations to fill a 26′ box truck, which was so kindly donated by Bob’s Discount Furniture.  We drove down with two of our friends on a Friday night and worked from 1:30am (when we arrived) until 7:30pm on Saturday night non-stop unloading, organizing and distributing donations of clothing, bedding, blankets, cleaning supplies, etc.  That was our second consecutive weekend we headed there to assist.  The previous weekend the two of us went there and worked from 3:30 in the afternoon on a  Saturday until noon on Sunday with 2 hours sleep in our car.  They so desperately need help…the devastation is heart breaking.  We are just doing our little bit to help those in need.  If we plan another trip we will be sure to let you know.

Enough for now – it will be a very busy weekend!  We will try to be better about these updates, so check back next week for something new!

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