What A Fantastic Weekend!

We had a fantastic weekend of boiling and tours on Saturday & Sunday with 500 visitors over the two days, and producing 18 gallons of syrup.  The 10 day weather forecast is still not looking fantastic for the upcoming week.  Our last sap flow was on Saturday, and looks like the next run won’t be until Wednesday.  But Wednesday overnight is too warm so Thursday we won’t get any sap even though the temps will be well above 40.  We should get runs on both Friday and Saturday next week as well, then it’s back to colder weather.  How crazy is this weather??

That said, as long as the forecast holds, we will be boiling the weekend of March 22 on Saturday and Sunday from 9am till about 5pm.  (Check back before coming though in case the weather changes again before the weekend.)

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Weekend Tours are ON This Weekend!

Alright, Alright, Alright!  Gimmie a huge WOO HOO!  Spring has finally sprung and we are ready for weekend tours starting Saturday, March 15 and Sunday, March 16 from 9am – 5pm.  Not sure what will happen next weekend so if you want to come out and have some tasty fun, this weekend would be the time to do it!

There is no charge for our tour and no advance reservations are required. We run back-to-back tours all day, so come any time and there is sure to be a tour underway.  A small caution – with all the snow melting it’s a bit muddy on the walk back to the sugar house, so be prepared with the right footwear.

Hope to see you this weekend!

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Finally – A Taste of Spring!

Between Sunday afternoon and this evening we got all our taps set, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of Farmer Jay – THANKS A MILLION for all your help!!!

Mother Nature has woken from her lazy winter slumber and blessed us with a few days of warmer weather.  Tonight we were able to fill our collection tank with 450 gallons of sap – very exciting, it’s been a long time coming!  Looking at the 10 day forecast it appears that this is going to be relatively short-lived with only 2 of the next 10 days having temps over 40 degrees.  So, let’s make syrup while we can!  Hoping to be boiling and open for tours this upcoming weekend on Saturday and Sunday.  Check back later this week and we will confirm on both this web page as well as on our facebook page.  Not sure about the weekend of March 22 yet – it’s still too early to make the call.  Nothing like a New England winter, huh?  Hope to see you this weekend!

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Another Sad Weekend on the Farm…..

So for the second weekend in a row, we are not going to be able to boil because Mother Nature is still sleeping at the wheel!  Although today is in the 40’s, tomorrow is back in the 30’s again.  We are hoping to be able to boil next weekend.  Please check back for updates, keeping our fingers crossed!

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Is It Really March?

Are you sure it’s March?  I mean really, really sure?  Because for some reason Mother Nature is taking her sweet time getting the weather warmed up for spring this year.  We were hoping to have our first boil this weekend (March 1), but unfortunately there is no sap to boil yet.  It is still snuggled within the branches of the trees, stuck in its winter slumber, frozen.  In looking at the 10 day forecast, not only will we be unable to boil this weekend, we will be unable to boil next weekend as well.  I can’t tell you how very disappointing this is!  As so many of you know, we need daytime temps in the 40’s and overnights below freezing for the sticky sweet goodness to come dripping out of the trees.  So we will continue to wait…patiently.

For those of you who have contacted us for tours, we cannot commit to any dates just yet as we simply cannot predict when the weather will change to more normal weather patterns. We are hoping to be up and running by the weekend of March 15, but we just don’t know.  In the decade that we have been doing this we have never started the season this late!

Please stay tuned, keep your fingers crossed (and toes too!) that the weather will turn warm soon!  Hoping to squeeze a few weekends out of this season…time will tell!

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