2014 Season Is Almost Here!

The 2014 season is right on our heels – this year went by so fast!  Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for some cold weather over the next 4 weeks.  We don’t need below zero, we just need below freezing so the sap will be sugar-rich come the beginning of March.

Planning for March 1 is well underway, and there is much to do over the next month.  We will be running our tubing during the weekends of February 15 and February 22, and tapping during the week of February 24 so we can be boiling by the weekend of March 1. We have some work in the sugar house to prep our equipment and make any needed repairs – lots to do and so little time!

During December, Farmer Paul & Farmer Kathy both started new jobs.  This will, unfortunately, affect our availability for hosting tours during the week.  So this year we will need to do things a bit differently, and hopefully we will be able to accommodate all requests.  On days during the week when we are boiling, the earliest tour time will be 6pm.  Tours last about an hour, so hopefully this will still work for everyone.  We will also extend our weekend hours every Saturday and Sunday to 9-6, and can schedule groups during the evening hours after that.  Last year we had over 3,600 visitors during March for tours – our biggest year yet!  We are hoping to get a similar turnout this year.

As the season gets closer we will post updates here and on our Facebook page, so please check back often.  It is easier to update Facebook, so you might want to check there first.

Group tours

Please email info@turtlelanemaplefarm.com to schedule a time if you have a group of over 20.  If your group is smaller than that then you can drop in any weekend.  If you would like to come during the week in the evening (6pm or later), or on a weekend after our normal hours, please email us and we will do our best to accommodate.

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2013 Season Clean Up

Wow what a season.  We made just over 100 gallons of maple syrup which is good (average), but where we really had success is in the number of visitors that came to see us during the month of March.  Over the course of nights and weekends (and a few vacation days here and there) we had exactly 3,600 visitors out for free tours to learn about the history, math, science and process around making maple syrup.  That is a new record, beating the old one by over 1,000 people.

We want to thank everyone for supporting local agriculture and especially our little farm!!

We are in the process of cleaning up now.  Lots of washing to do and it will span into May.  And we are glad we are presented with a glorious Spring.  It is also back to our normal lives (depending on what you call normal), with jobs and kids and other charities that we support.  We love maple, but we are always happy to get our lives back.

But just because maple season is over doesn’t mean you can’t still get some goodies.  If you need anything (syrup, cream, candy or sugar) you can drop us a line via email (info@turtlelanemaplefarm.com) and we would be happy to coordinate a pickup.

We update our Facebook page much more often than our website, so if you are looking to keep up to date with what we are doing please like our Fan Page… https://www.facebook.com/turtlelanemaplefarm

Many thanks,

Farmer Paul and Farmer Kathy

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What an amazing season we have had this year!!  Given the weather this week, we are able to do tours for one additional weekend.  On Saturday and Sunday, March 30 & 31, we will be boiling and hosting tours from 9am – 4pm.  This is our last weekend so please swing by if you want to learn a little, taste a little and have a fun time!  Hope to see you!

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Boiling & Tours This Weekend

We will be boiling and hosting tours this weekend, Saturday & Sunday March 23-24, from 9am – 4pm each day.  With the recent snow, it is likely to be a bit muddy as the snow melts, so be prepared to walk through a little mud on your way back to the sugar house.

We sold out of maple cream & candy on Sunday last weekend, but rest assured – we made 4 batches of cream and 2 batches of candy this week to be ready for this weekend! Hope to see you!

We are still uncertain about next weekend – depends on the weather.  Right now it looks good, so there is a chance we will boil again next weekend.  If temps next week are in the 40’s and overnights are below freezing, then we will be boiling next weekend.  However if spring really arrives and the temps do not get below freezing then we won’t be boiling because there will be no sap.  We will update the website next week with the schedule for the weekend of March 30.

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Boiling Schedule – Weekend of March 16th – 17th

Happy St. Patrick’s Weekend!  We will be boiling on Saturday & Sunday from 9am – 4pm.  Swing by for a free tour and a bunch of sweet samples!  We are anticipating that we will also boil next weekend, and that will be our last weekend for tours.  So c’mon out and join us for some sweet fun!

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