Saturday & Sunday, March 9th and 10th

We will be boiling this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday from 9am – 4pm.  We are expecting warm weather that will melt much of the snow from the weekend, so it is likely to be a bit slushy / muddy on the walk back to the sugar house.  Be prepared with appropriate shoes – don’t wear your favorite pair!

Please park on the street as close to the snow piles as possible so the street is not blocked, and please don’t block our neighbors driveways or mailboxes.  Walk up the driveway and follow the path that crosses in front of the house which will lead you to the sugar house.

Hope to see you sometime this weekend!

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Boiling on Saturday & Sunday, March 9th & 10th

What a fantastic weekend we had last weekend!  Over 400 visitors came by and enjoyed learning about maple sugaring.  We are expecting that we will have even more visitors this weekend.

We will be boiling on both Saturday and Sunday, March 9th and 10th, from 9am – 4pm each day.  Come by and enjoy a free tour, and sample some sweet treats!  It might be a little muddy out, so don’t wear your favorite pair of shoes.

Please park in the street but be careful to not block our neighbors mailboxes.

Hope to see you!

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Boiling Today – Tours From 9-4

We had a fantastic day yesterday, sharing our sugaring with 200 visitors of all ages.  Come by today any time between 9-4pm to see how maple sugaring is done in New England!  Tours are free, and so are the many samples along the way.

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First Boil TODAY

Today, March 2, will be our first boil of the season!  Come on out and join us between 9-4 today or tomorrow.  The tour is free, lasts about an hour and there are lots of sweet samples throughout!  It’s a bit muddy on the way back to the sugar house, so don’t wear your favorite shoes.  We have syrup, maple candy, maple cream and maple sugar available for sale if you are interested.

We are located at 25 Turtle Lane, North Andover.  It is a residential neighborhood, so when you park in the street please be respectful of our neighbors mailboxes. If a mailbox is blocked, the homeowner won’t get their mail.  Walk on the path that crosses in front of the house and it will take you back to the sugar house.  Hope to see you!

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Ready for 2013!!

After a very disappointing 2012 with no maple production at all, we are ready to go this spring!  All of our lines are up, all of our trees are tapped – now we are awaiting cooperation from Mother Nature to give us those warm days in the 40’s and cold nights below freezing to get the sap moving in the trees.

We are currently planning our first boil for Saturday, March 2, so swing by any time between 9-4pm to join us for a tour.  We will also host tours on Sunday, March 3 from 9-4pm.  No reservations are required, just drop in for an hour or so of sweet (and free) fun!

Hope to see you this weekend!

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